First 2017 training program kicks off

This morning a group of 14 Fire Observers gathered at Brussels Airport to begin their journey to Jacksonville, Florida.

It will be the first training program for 2017 and we will be hosted by the Jacksonville Fire & Rescue Department.
For the 4th time in history of Fire Observers vzw, our members will be assigned to the busiest units in the city to work alongside our American colleagues.
Daytime program will be filled with work related visits like the Fire Academy, Marine Division,…

Once their time with JFRD is over they will tour another week thru the Sunshine State with visits in Orlando, Daytona Beach, Miami and the Florida Keys.
The group will also participate in the Delray Beach St Patrick’s Day Parade on March 11th.

Their return to Belgium is scheduled on March 16th. Paul Vanlook, Eric De Theije and Mario Colle are the assigned crew leaders.


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