Programs 2020

Usually we announce our training programs for the upcoming year on September 1st. This year there was a slight delay on that announcement due to a very busy summer for the Fire Observers board and some bad weather in the States. 

Today however we’re very pleased and happy to announce and open up three programs for 2020.

It will be three new departments for Fire Observers vzw with the first one being Memphis, Tennessee in the spring.

In the fall we return to the Great State of Florida for a training program with the Orlando Fire Department.

Our third and final program for 2020 will also run in the fall and for that one we’re heading towards Tucson, Arizona. Negotiations are running very good and smoothly and we’re looking forward to get a formal and definitive yes for this program in the next few days.

Training programs for 2020 are now open and we take in the applications of our members. Candidates will be selected once the application period is over.

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